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January 14th Collision in Whitehorse

Last Tuesday afternoon, two youth were struck by a vehicle while riding their bicycles at the intersection of Heron Drive and Hamilton Boulevard near the Arkell neighbourhood. The incident occurred on their bike ride home from school, and they were transported to hospital for medical care.  One of the youth was then transported to Vancouver for more intensive treatment.

This tragic incident highlights the urgent need for safer cycling routes in our community. The current bike routes - unlike motor vehicle roadways - are not adequately connected to form year-round continuous and accessible routes. This forces cyclists to use roads with poor, or no, cycling facilities - and as shown in this incident, unprotected crossings. With our population of cyclists increasing and biking around town, it’s absolutely crucial that the City of Whitehorse with other levels of government develop and maintain better year-round infrastructure to keep everyone safe on the roads.

Cycling Association of Yukon (CAY) and the Whitehorse Urban Cycling Coalition (WUCC) call on the City of Whitehorse and the Yukon Government to work together to prioritize a safer environment for our children and all peoples' daily mobility. Our thoughts are with the children and their families during this time.

Our supporters
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  • Cycling Canada
  • HopOn Canada
  • Government of Yukon
  • Lotteries Yukon
  • Recreation and Parks Association of the Yukon