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CAY has a new website

With some bit of effort, the Cycling Association of Yukon has launched a new website

We’ve been away for a while, but in that time we’ve pulled together some great ideas for this website to be an excellent resource for the cycling community in the Yukon! The site is still under construction, so bear with us as we steadily make improvements.

Here are some of the goals for this site:

  • Develop a centralized calendar for cycling events in the Yukon and National/Provincial events of interest
  • Provide a resource for cycling coaches
  • Provide public updates on CAY activities
  • Provide information on insurance and memberships
  • Be a resource for cycling clubs and individuals and parents of cycling youth
  • Provide updates on what our athletes have been up to (including results from races)
  • etc…

We are also looking into the possibility doing event registration that will help with the organization of club events in the Yukon.

We invite you to contact us about how you like/dislike the new site, as well as ideas you may have to help us continually improve this site for now and into the future.

Thanks for your feedback!

Our supporters
Become a supporter
  • Cycling Canada
  • HopOn Canada
  • Government of Yukon
  • Lotteries Yukon
  • Recreation and Parks Association of the Yukon