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2020 Cycling Association of Yukon AGM

Sunday, February 7, 2021

7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. YST/MST

This year's AGM will be online using Zoom and in-person at the Sport Yukon boardroom in Whitehorse.

Attend online

If you would like to attend using Zoom, email by February 4, 2021 and you will be sent the meeting link.

Attend in-person

Members of the CAY board will be at the Sport Yukon boardroom to attend in-person. We will follow Government of Yukon guidance for hosting a gathering during COVID-19.

If you would like to attend in-person with us, email by February 4, 2021 and we will add you to our guest list. There’s space for 4 people, in addition to the board.

AGM theme and agenda includes

The theme of our AGM will be "A 10-year plan for Yukon cycling".

Our agenda is:

  • Presidential message and introduction of board and directors
  • Summary of results from 2020 Yukon cycling survey
  • Call to order and approval of agenda and 2019 AGM minutes
  • Financial report
  • Board of directors election (read below about how to join the board)
  • New business (questions and comments)

Looking ahead discussion:

  • Member input into our strategic planning process
  • Working together with Yukon cycling clubs and organizations for the benefit of all Yukon cyclists: Streamlined process and improved communications
  • Creation of a new kids and youth cycling program
  • Expanding our reach and supporting others: Cycling advocacy and safety, trail maintenance and development, increased diversity and inclusion, plus new membership options

CAY board positions open for nomination

The following board positions are open.

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Directors (2 positions)

Board positions are 1-year terms, with option to serve for re-election. Board roles require a commitment to attend board meetings, sector specific meetings and engage in inter-meeting email decisions and discussions as needed. A commitment of about 2 hours per month is expected.

Nominate yourself for a board position

If you are interested in a board position, send a short biography, an explanation of why you would like to join the CAY board, and your vision for what you would like to achieve as part of the CAY board in 2021.

Contact us with your message by February 4, 2021. We will also accept nominations during the AGM.

Our supporters
Become a supporter
  • Cycling Canada
  • HopOn Canada
  • Government of Yukon
  • Lotteries Yukon
  • Recreation and Parks Association of the Yukon