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Privacy policy

Last updated: December 31, 2022

Cycling Association of Yukon (CAY) is committed to protecting the privacy of our members’ information. The purpose of this policy is to describe the ways in which we collect, hold, use and disclose personal information.

We may vary this policy from time to time.

How do we collect personal information?

We only collect information that is relevant to our member relationship with you. This information is received directly from you or from other sources who you have approved giving us information.

If we collect personal information from someone else, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that you:

  • have been informed that we have collected that information;
  • understand the purposes for which we have collected that information;
  • and are aware how we might use that information or disclose it to other people.

What personal information do we collect?

The personal information we collect may include:

  • name and contact details;
  • personal details (which might include date of birth);
  • social media information; and
  • other information we require to provide our products and services.

We will not collect any sensitive information such as health information from you.

Why do we collect personal information and how do we use it?

We collect personal information for one or more of the following purposes:

  • to provide products and services to you;
  • managing our member relationship with you;
  • researching and planning for improvement of our programs;
  • and to comply with our legal and regulatory responsibilities.

If we require personal information about you for a specific purpose that is not obvious, we will let you know that purpose at the time the information is collected.

When might we disclose personal information?

We may disclose personal information about you to achieve the same purpose for which it was collected.

Apart from the purposes above we do not give your information to any other person or organization outside our partners.

We might also disclose personal information about you:

  • within our organization and partners;
  • on a confidential basis to external service providers;
  • if we are otherwise permitted or required to do so by law;
  • to other organizations (unless you tell us not to) and their agents for the marketing of their products and services; or
  • in other circumstances where you have first consented to the disclosure.

Website traffic information

Because of the way web communication standards work, when you arrive at or leave the CAY website we automatically receive the web address of the site that you came from or are going to.

We also collect information on which pages of our website you visit while you are on the CAY website, the type of browser you use and the times you access our website.

We use this information to try to understand our users’ preferences better and to manage the load on our servers, so as to improve our service and your experience with CAY.

Our use of “cookies”

“Cookies” are small files of data that reside on your computer and allow us to recognise you as a CAY website user if you return to the CAY site using the same computer and browser or otherwise use the CAY website.

We and our service providers also use cookies to customise our services, content and advertising; measure promotional effectiveness, and promote trust and safety. You may encounter cookies from other businesses when using websites we do not control. For example, if you view a web page created by someone else or use a website developed by another business, there may be a cookie placed by that web page or application.

Storing and retaining personal information

We store personal information in electronic or hardcopy form (or both) and use industry standard levels of security to prevent unauthorised access.

Personal information is only accessible to our board or to authorized service providers with incidental access to supply their services to us.

We do not retain any of your information longer than is required for the member relationship with you or for legal purposes. When we are informed, we will keep the personal information we hold accurate, complete and up to date.

CAY does not disclose personal information to overseas recipients.

Sensitive information

CAY does not collect sensitive information relating to your health, political or religious beliefs, ethnic background or sexual preferences.


Where it is lawful and practicable CAY endeavours to deidentify information collected about you.


CAY does not use identifiers assigned by government agencies (for example: tax file number) to identify any individual.


We may use your personal information from time to time to inform you about our current and future programs and events including contacting you by telephone, email, SMS or mail.

You can request that you do not receive direct marketing communications by contacting us directly by email at or by simply choosing “unsubscribe” any emails you may receive.

Access and correction

We invite you to update and keep current any personal information you thinkwe may hold about you. To do this, or to simply find out what personal information we currently hold, contact us at the address below.

If you wish to access the personal information that we hold about you, we may charge a small fee to cover our costs of supplying that information. We will inform you of this cost at the time you make a request.

If you believe any personal information held by us is inaccurate or out of date you will be given the opportunity to update that personal information.

Queries and complaints

We are committed to this privacy policy for handling personal information and so, if you have any query or complaint in relation to the way in which we collect, use or disclose personal information, contact us. We will use our best efforts to respond to your query or request as quickly as reasonably possible.

For the avoidance of doubt, this policy does not apply to CAY board records.

If you like more information about our privacy policy, or in relation to the information we hold, contact us.

By mail:

Cycling Association of Yukon
C/O Sport Yukon
4061 4th Avenue
Whitehorse, YT
Y1A 1H1

By email:

Our supporters
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  • Cycling Canada
  • HopOn Canada
  • Government of Yukon
  • Lotteries Yukon
  • Recreation and Parks Association of the Yukon